
A new category, in which we will present a wide range of entrance doors made of different types of material. Entrance doors are the mirror of the home and therefore the aesthetic aspect of making the above mentioned products is a priority to us. In addition, it is important that the doors meet a certain safety criteria, which applies particularly to the front door of the house, buildings, garages... a combination of materials define the level of the product safety and the choice is wide... wrought iron, boxes, inox, reinforced glass, tempered glass, regular glass, wood...

New Products
Products, Doors V1-001
Products, Doors V1-001


Products, Doors V1-002
Products, Doors V1-002


New Products
Products, Doors V1-003
Products, Doors V1-003


New Products
Products, Doors V1-004
Products, Doors V1-004


New Products
Products, Doors V1-005
Products, Doors V1-005


Products, Doors V1-006
Products, Doors V1-006


Products, Doors V1-007
Products, Doors V1-007


Products, Doors V1-008
Products, Doors V1-008


Products, Doors V1-009


Products, Doors V1-010


Products, Doors V1-012


Products, Doors V1-013


Ulazna vrata zahtevaju dobra mehanička i sigurnosna svojstva te je odabir materijala za njih specifičan. Osim kovanog gvožđa često koristimo inoks, ZP profile, staklo, drvo...

Kao i rešetke, i vrata mogu imati ornamentalnu i čisto funkcionalnu formu i u oba slučaja moraju zadovoljiti stepen sigurnosti.

Izrađujemo ih kao ulazna vrata u zgrade, kuće, vrata za garaže...pregradna vrata.

U zavisnosti od korišćenog materijala, za spoljna vrata preporučujemo zaštitu toplim cinkovanjem.

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